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All About Umbrella Insurance

January 2012

Umbrella Insurance Agency TUCSON ARIZONA  |

Why Do I need an Umbrella Insurance Policy ?

It's a question we hear over and over again. Do I really need this umbrella insurance policy ?

We get it, we know times are hard and its tough enough to save pennies, much less dollars right now, so when the premium invoice for the umbrella arrives, it appears to be one of those instant savings options. Cancel the umbrella and pocket the savings. 

Maybe not....lets talk about what the Umbrella Policy does and why it is no longer just a necessity for the wealthy.

Liability Insurance Starts When The Others Stop

Once the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other policy, your umbrella policy takes over and provides a second layer of protection of at least $1,000,000. Higher limits may also be available.

Broad Coverages

An umbrella insurance policy also pays some claims not covered by your home, auto, or other underlying insurance. The policy covers not just you, but your spouse and all family members living in your household, anywhere in the world. Legal defense fees are also paid.

What’s Peace of Mind Worth to You?

An umbrella policy provides additional layers of liability protection. If the liability limits are exhausted on your homeauto, or other underlying insurance policy, your umbrella insurance policy takes over and provides you with additional protection.

The cost is minimal compared to the comfort of knowing you’re covered.

The right coverage for you is unique. Talk to us today to find out how to protect yourself, your family, and your future with the right personal umbrella insurance for you.

If you have questions about Umbrella Insurance or any other policy questions please call us at 520-901-7010 or visit us atRightSure.Com.