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January 2012


A more appropriate title for this blog would have been, HELP, My Teenager is driving !

We know, it happened in the blink of an eye. It seems like just yesterday they were throwing a tantrum over naptimes and all of a sudden, they are throwing a tantrum over the car keys.

We could write volumes of documents on the correct way to Insure a Teenage Driver, but your eyes would gloss over, your head would nod yes, AND you would soon have your forehead on the keyboard ( or worse ) find yourself surfing pinterest or facebook.

What we can do in this short article is give you some top tips on reducing insurance premiums and provide some well used advice spoken in a way that your teenager might listen to. ( maybe, we cant guarantee the second part )

Tip Number 1. Call an Independent Insurance Agent ( someone like us ) Your Independent Agent has multiple insurance companies to choose from, and some companies even specialize in teenage drivers.

Tip Number 2. Please refer to tip number 1. This isn't rocket science. Find someone who works for you, not the insurance companies and have them help you.

Since we also promised some advice that your teenager would understand, here are three of the best advice lines we have heard over the years. ( three also seems to be the magic number that teens pay attention to, before " checking-out " )

  1. Dont Drive like you own the road. Drive like you own the car.
  2. Nothing inside the car is important. Ignore it.
  3. Arrive Alive is the goal. 

Sure, we know, there are about 100 other things you want them to know. If it helps you sleep better at night we have a Parent-Teen Contract provided to us by SAFECO Insurance. It has lots of good info for you and them.

If we can help you and your teen with any questions about Insuring the Teenage Driver, please visit us online or call us at 520-901-7010.

Car Insurance | Home Insurance | Umbrella Insurance | Small Business Insurance.