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RightSure Re-Launches Website

January 2012

Tucson Arizona | January 12, 2012

Car Insurance has a new website home in Tucson and Casa Grande Arizona.

RIGHTSURE INSURANCE GROUP announces the Re-launch and Re-design of its website. 

Vice President Juliette Tetley said “RightSure Insurance Group is really about doing your Insurance right " Our old website didnt have the functionality of Live Chat and Online Servicing Options needed for today's Insured's. 

We updated every portion of the website with client input to maximize the service experience. We are also launching our Mobile site that automatically recognizes if a client is using a Mobile device and re-directs them to a simpler mobile based website.

Consumer Choice is the main reason clients use an Independent Agent and RightSure offers choices with 40 different Insurance Companies to choose from.

“In my experience, consumers are using the internet for insurance research, but still complete most insurance purchases either in person or over the phone with the counsel of an educated agent. People just want to make sure they are getting a good deal. All of the media ads SAY you can save hundreds by switching to company A, B or C.  

WELL GUESS WHAT ? We probably represent Company A, B and C that you are looking for. If one company has a rate change we can simply migrate our clients to a more competitive rate option. 

Armed with knowledge and choice, clients can really get the coverage that is appropriate for them” At RightSure we provide our clients with choices and the knowledge \ experience that goes with being a long time Arizona Insurance Professional.

Visit our Staff Page for more contact information

With offices in Tucson and Casa Grande, RightSure offers Auto, Home, Small Business and Grown up Toy Insurance.

Car Insurance | Home Insurance | Umbrella Insurance | Small Business Insurance.  520-901-7010