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September 2012


 This is A True Story 

I was returning from lunch at OM yesterday Sep 5 2012, when my Iphone rang from a long term client. She said she just had coffee with a friend and the subject of Insurance came up.

She stated her friend was complaining about rising rates and lack of faith in her current agent and asked if I could please help her friend the same way we helped her family by simplifying all their insurances into one seamless package.

I of course said sure and was advised to expect a call.

Before I could lay my I-phone on the desk, it rings again,  it is the referral client.

Can you help me with our insurance please ? ( she inquires )Before I can even begin to say Thank You for the opportunity to look at your policies - she excitedly says, " I hear you guys are insurance experts at helping people that have multiple homes, small businesses and ( she sighs ) t-e-e-n-a-g-e drivers.

I simply said YES WE ARE ! in my trademark wanna be an announcer voice, AND with that we began a conversation to learn about the different homes, business exposures, and YES even the teenage drivers.

The good news is this....all she really wanted was help and a Tucson Home Insurance Agent.  In the end, we managed to get all of her policies with the same expiration dates and only one invoice.

OH and I KNOW you probably won't believe this next part.....but YES her premium was less than she had been paying. ( they live in a gated community so we saved them 40% off the home insurance and another 20% off the Auto and Umbrella ( even with the youthful drivers ))

Encompass Insurance worked for this client, and we would love to see if Encompass Insurance or one of our other offerings can work for you.

About RightSure:

RightSure Insurance Group is a full service independent insurance firm utilizing a unique, client-focused approach to obtaining personal lines of insurance. RightSure provides insurance products to residents in 44 states.


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