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Transfer My Nationwide Policy to a Local Agent

November 2018

Transfer My Nationwide Policy to a Local Agent.

If you've purchased a Nationwide Policy online and suddenly found you need help that requires a real life human to assist AND\OR answer questions, we can help.

Almost daily we receive calls from people who have moved, transferred jobs, or just have a desire to interact with a knowledgeable Insurance Professional.  

We represent Nationwide Insurance in over 25 states, so it’s no surprise that helping people transfer Nationwide Policies is our specialty.

Below are a few key questions to investigate about transferring your insurance policy. They don't cover everything, but they should get you going in the right direction.


1. Find a Certified Nationwide Signature Agent such as Bart or Mariah below.

If you're happy with your insurance company, give your agent a call. Your agent should be able to tell you whether you'll need to find a new agent and how to transfer your policies to your new address.

( if your agent doesn't represent Nationwide Insurance in your new state, may we recommend calling us. We are licensed with Nationwide in over 20 states )

 Barton Beckley a Nationwide Specialist 520-901-7010 
 Mariah Arriola a Nationwide Specialist 520-901-7010

2. What About New Insurance? And Transferring Insurance?

Talking with a Nationwide agent (or calling us if you need a new Nationwide agent) is the best way to find out what you’ll need to do to get new insurance or transfer your insurance to your new address. Your agent will also help you understand insurance requirements in your new location.

If you're moving between states, keep in mind that insurance coverage varies across states. For example, in California, due to the high frequency of earthquakes, you need to take special precautions to make sure your home is safe and secure in case an earthquake occurs. That’s not the case in Indiana! Different states also have different auto insurance laws, and if you’re moving to a new state, you’ll need a new auto insurance policy – plain and simple.


3. What about a refund from my old policy? 

 If you have prepaid your prior policy or recently made a payment, we can help you request cancellation and process a credit \ refund on that policy. 

The thing to remember is this:

If you are just looking to Transfer_Your_Nationwide_Policy to a local Nationwide agent in your state, you need to start with finding an agent in your state, Or consider contacting RightSure Insurance Group as we represent Nationwide in multiple states. 

Still have questions?

Call us, we still have real people to talk to 520-901-7010

ABOUT RIGHTSURE - A Nationwide Insurance Agent Near You

RightSure Insurance is an independently owned and locally operated agency that specializes in handling all of your insurance needs. Our physical offices are located in Arizona, but we provide insurance to customers all over the United States, and offer with affordable and reliable insurance choices.

We will help you find the insurance policy that is the best combination of insurance coverage and premium prices.