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What Is Full Coverage Insurance?

March 2019

By Megan Kossow

What is full coverage insurance?

There is a big difference between liability and full coverage insurance

Shopping for car insurance isn't always easy, you listen to jargon that may make things a little wonky. Hearing terms like "liability", "full coverage", "comprehensive", "collision" can be very confusing if you aren't deep in the insurance game.

What do these terms actually mean and what is the difference between them?


Liability exists to cover the property damage or bodily injury (medical bills) of another party (i.e. not you) if you were to cause an accident and were deemed to be at fault. Although liability coverage technically covers others- it exists to keep you off the hook of medical bills/repair costs. This coverage is required in the majority of states and you must legally carry it do drive a vehicle. Each state has minimum liability limits and these limits differ from state to state. These limits consist of three numbers- the amount the company will pay out to each person per accident for bodily injury, the maximum amount they will pay out for bodily injury for the accident, and the amount they will pay out for property damage per accident. For example; in the state of Arizona the state minimum liability limit is $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident for bodily injury and $10,000 for property damage (also referred to as 15/30/10) while in New Mexico, the state minimum limits are 25/50/10. 

We all know this day in age $10,000 for property damage of a vehicle won't go a long way- so it is always better to get higher limits on your insurance- especially if you are a home owner.

Full Coverage:

Having full coverage means you have a combination of coverage added on to your liability coverage that provides a higher scope of protection. Despite the name, full coverage does not mean you are covered against every eventuality. Full coverage generally means the coverage to help cover the cost of damage to your vehicle less a deductible. These additional coverages are not required in most states, but are advantageous to help you cover the cost of repair to your vehicle in a situation that liability does not cover. Minimum full coverage consists of two coverages- comprehensive and collision.

Collision Coverage- this helps cover the cost of repair to your vehicle (under a covered loss) when there is a collision- despite who is at fault- i.e. your vehicle hitting another vehicle, your vehicle hitting a tree, your vehicle hitting a wall, etc.

Comprehensive Coverage- this helps cover the cost of replacement/repair to your vehicle for any covered loss that is not a collision- i.e. a tree falling on your vehicle, hail damage, fire damage, theft, you hit an animal, glass replacement, etc.

Minimum full coverage is exactly how it sounds- the minimum of what is considered to be full coverage. Additional coverages you may want to add on to your policy to make your full coverage full are Roadside Assistance & Rental Reimbursement. These are optional coverages that help with assistance on the road, i.e. changing a tire or bringing you gas, and when you need a rental vehicle due to your vehicle being in the repair shop for a covered loss.

Whether you need liability or full coverage insurance- we have a market for you. We shop over 40 companies and compare the rates for both types of coverage on your behalf to find you the best possible deal on insurance.

Give us a call at 520-901-7010 to speak with on of our knowledgeable insurance agents and see how they can help you save!

Or check out the products we cover HERE

Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, RIGHTSURE is an Insurance Technology firm leveraging cutting edge products with Artificial Intelligence and Insur-tech relationships to help families and businesses in 42 states. By using a unique, client-centered approach, combined with superior technology, RIGHTSURE presents clients with a wide range of Insurance options and a seamless purchasing process. To learn more, visit https://www.rightsure.com or call 520-917-5295.