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5 Ways To Be Productive When You Don't Feel Like Working

January 2021

5 Ways To Be Productive When You Don't Feel Like Working

We all know it can be hard to motivate yourself to work sometimes. There are days when you just don't feel like doing... well... anything. 

Now, as the majority of the workforce has migrated to in-home offices, the issue stands to be even more relevant.

Though these tips may not work for everyone, give them a try and see if they help you ramp up productivity!

1. Start with a to-do list

This may seem like an unnecessary step but taking a moment to write or re-write your to-do list can help you break down the tasks you need to spend time on. You can always start with simple tasks first and gradually make your way to the more difficult ones.

2. Take a Step Back

You may be thinking- "what does this have to do with productivity?!" well, let me tell you. Take a moment to take a step back and look at the big picture. Why is this task important? What will be the outcome of said finished task? How will it help your company? Thinking this way is a great way to motivate yourself to gain motivation & complete your goal.

3. Reward Yourself

When you're having trouble completing a task, try to give yourself a reward when you complete it! This can be whatever you like; a cup of coffee, a walk outdoors, a social media break, whatever motivates you to get the task done!

4. Do Something you're Really Good at

When you're in a slump it may feel impossible to get out of. A good way to get over the hump is to do something that you know you excel at! This can build your confidence and put you in the mood to do some work!

5. Exercise 

Stepping away from your work & hitting the gym (or home gym) can help to reset your mind and your mood! You can take advantage of the adrenaline boost and get to work.

Whether it's exercise, taking a break,  creating a new to-do list or something else; it's good to find a motivation technique that works for you! 

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