Devoted Wife & Mother, Director - Home Operations at RIGHTSURE

Devoted Wife & Mother, Director - Home Operations at RIGHTSURE
Get Acquainted with Elaine Alday De Durazo
Director, Home Operations
There’s nothing better than the satisfaction that comes from helping someone.
Elaine Alday De Durazo enjoys educating her clients and answering their questions. As a Senior Home Specialist, she bundles quotes for clients, including home, auto, motorcycle and umbrella.
Her goal is to provide the best coverage package available – the most robust protection and the most cost-effective price, with any available discounts applied. In the end, coverage decisions are up to the clients, but Elaine works hard to inform them of their options and to make sure they understand what’s in their best interest.
Education is important because many people don’t know much about insurance. They may not understand what is and what is not covered under a policy, for example, and Elaine takes the time to help them learn. She also listens to them closely. Clients don’t always know which questions to ask, so she pays attention to their situation to figure out their unique needs. She’s known as a patient person, and her Spanish skills allow her to help people in two languages.
Elaine earned an associate degree in international business studies from Pima Community College. In 1997, while still attending school, she accepted a position at RightSure. She loved the company and the people, as well as the chance to help people. Now she has more than two decades of insurance experience, and all the knowledge that comes with that.
Elaine has been married for more than 20 years. She has three beautiful children who keep her busy, but she enjoys sitting down to read a book or watch a movie when she can find the time.
Contact Elaine Alday De Durazo
Email: elainea [at] rightsure [dot] com