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Fitness Queen, Loving Mother, Executive Vice President at RIGHTSURE

Get Acquainted with Felicia Garcia, Executive Vice President.

Knowledge is power, and Felicia Duarte is passionate about sharing her insurance knowledge with both her clients and her colleagues.

Felicia started working at RIGHTSURE in 2002. At the time, she was attending Pima Medical Institute with plans of becoming a dental hygienist, but insurance grew on her. She started out doing customer service work, but over the years, she’s worked her way up to her current position of director of sales operations.

“Insurance is my life,” she says, adding she loves gaining “the knowledge behind every coverage.”
She also loves sharing that knowledge, and as the director of sales operations, she’s in an excellent position to do just that. Her duties include managing scheduling and doing payroll, but she also trains employees to become agents and answers any questions they have. When there’s a call overflow, she’s happy to pick up the phone and talk directly to clients, too.

“What I really enjoy is being able to give clients the knowledge of insurance,” she says. She’s knowledgeable in automobile, motorcycle and home insurance, and she understands the products offered by different carriers as well as the various state guidelines.

When training new agents, she passes on the important information regarding rules and regulations, but she also emphasizes the need for patience. Most people don’t understand the nuances of insurance, she points out, so it’s important to take the time to explain important issues and difference coverage types. That way, clients leave feeling confident that they have the right insurance for them.

“Talk to your client as if it’s your parent or your aunt,” she explains. “Remember that not everyone is as excited about insurance as we are. Talk to clients like they’re family. Give them the information they need.”

Every client and every situation is different, and she feels it’s important to be open-minded and to put clients at ease.

A comfortable environment is important to her, too. She’s happy working for RightSure, and one of the many reasons she’s remained with the company through the years is that she appreciates the company’s friendly atmosphere and family-oriented culture.

Felicia was born in Phoenix but raised in Tucson. She enjoys spending time outdoors, especially at the beach, and her family’s favorite way to celebrate birthdays is by taking vacations.